
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Incredimail Letter Creator

Many of us who use incredimail, already have  Incredimail Letter Creator

It is a tool that is easy to use, and lets you create beautiful stationary by allowing
users to design and create their own personalized email Letters and Ecards which are compatible with the IncrediMail email application.

Understanding how Letter Creator works

1. First Open Your Increcimail
2.Click the icon Write  then a new box pops up
at the bottom you will see 2 tabs click the right tab Create

3.Now you will see a new box pop up
Click on image the first icon that is your background

choose an image from your computer...You will See this
icon click the next icon tile. Now it looks like this.
The next icon us the Sample icon
The Sample Icon you can use for custom colors
Find the exact color
The Sample button lets you match your background color to the images in the Letter so that there is a smooth transition from the inserted image to the background. Just click on the "Sample" button, move your cursor to the color you want to capture and click on your mouse.

The last icon is the Clear icon, that removes the background 

Then you have image position that positions your background
For my example I used Top Left

Then below is Text
Defult is on Times New Roman  you can click the arrow to change it
and the same with the size.

In the picture above you see where the default Text is positioned

You have four tabs below that
Text Color    Sample Color   Link Color  Sample Color
again use the Sample Colors to customize text and link

Next you have your Margins and Line Spacing
It moves your Margins 
Spacing- spaces your text type further apart or closer together.

Then at the top click on Header you will see this box
If you want a image click the Image button. Pick an image from your computer, and choose
your alignment, on this example I chose Center. You can also add text or more images.

Then Click the Next Button Now you see the Footer
I added the text My Footer and a image. I also centered my example.
next top tab is Left again you can add an image or text..
I added a image and aligned it left. I also resized it in the view box.
Next You Have above your Right Tab and Your 3D Effects Tab
The right tab is like your left.
3D  Effects There are many to choose from...
The last tab Finish
Here you name your letter, and your link, you can save the project
if you are still working on it, or you can add it to your Incredimail.

This is a very basic understanding.... It will help you create right away. I will
be posting more tips and tricks to letter creating.

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