
Friday, March 31, 2017

Sharing: Fix/Repair IM & Restore Style Box Content

Sharing: Fix/Repair IM & Restore Style Box Content - May come in handy for some....
Unzip it and save it somewhere and remember where you put it! 
It's the last one IM made available to get all of the letters, animations, music, etc.,
back into your style box. Use this the next time you have lost your IM contents.
It will put each letter, animation and song back into whatever folder they were
originally saved to, not whatever folder you sorted them into later.
So be prepared!
You will have to spend some time to do the sorting again.
You can make new folders, or rename folders you already have to move
your items to wherever you want them to be from now on.
It's a pain, but hopefully for the last time 
Once you have everything where you want it, DO NOT close out your IM,
just minimize it to your task bar.
Next, you will need to go to your IM folder that holds all of your goodies.
It should be located here:
(Replace the name after "Users > " to the name you're using.)
(I use "Tempp" on my Computer)
Once you open that IM folder you should see the following files:
Copy and paste the content.xml file to your desktop, or save it somewhere
where it's easy for you to remember.
I also made myself a shortcut to this IM folder, because you will need to use
it again later. I suggest you make yourself a new folder to keep the shortcut
and the copied content.xml file in. It's much more convenient that way.
You are now set to easily replace everything the next time you've lost your
IM contents, or your personalized content organization.
How to restore all your style box content when needed:
1. Close your open IM and go to the same folder we just made to copy
your content.xml file.
2. Now go back to the same address (the shortcut) and find the current
content.xml file that shows in there. (Notice the difference in file size! WOW!)
3. DELETE that file and replace it by pasting the one you copied earlier.
4. Open your IM. After it's open, check to see if the style box looks right.
5. If not, close IM and repeat the delete and paste one more time.
It always works the second time, sometimes the first time...
If you add anything to your style box after you made the original content.xml copy,
you want to make an updated xml copy and delete the old one.
Always try to remember to save an updated copy for possible repair later.
I know it sounds like a lot, but once you've done it, you will see how fast and easy
this work-around is.
Fixing/Repairing a temperamental IM 
You may want to try this. It has already worked for many people.
Remove all the effects you don't really need from your "Options" in IM.
1. Go to your IM Menu > Tools > Options
This is what mine looks like now:
2. Let's make sure to check if the IM program is coded correctly so it can
be compatible with your current version of Windows 7, 8, 10 etc.
(Note: If you upgraded to Windows 10, depending on your previous Windows
program, Microsoft updated your machine to whatever worked best for them.
Different versions of the old Windows 7 & 8  are compatible with different 
Windows 10 versions. They are NOT all the same!
My Windows 10 runs with Windows 8 compatibility settings
because I had W7 Pro previously. The W7 Home version was
converted to a different W10 version! That one is compatible with W7!)
You can see what version you were converted to here:
Make sure your IM is closed before you do the following!
A. Go to your Incredimail Program shortcut and right click on the icon.
B. Select Properties (on the bottom of the list)
C. The window should pop up to show you more info. Click on the
"Compatibility" Tab.
D. Click on the button and you will get a new window.
E. On that window (#3) you can change it to Windows 8, 7, etc.
You can run the trouble shooter as well  There are instructions from Microsoft here:
After you did all this, your IM should work better! Maybe not perfect, but a lot better! 
You will also want to check Letter Creator!!!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Manually Clean Runtime folder in Incredimail

In Windows Vista & Windows 7 the Runtime folder is located under:

C:\Users\Your Profile Name (Logon Name)\AppData\Local\IM\

In Windows Xp:

C:\Documents and Settings\Your Profile Name (Logon Name)\Local Settings\Application Data\IM\

Open Letter Folder delete all letters

Open Sound Folder delete all sound files

This will not delete items from your identity folder

It will speed up and fix missing items not showing up 

in your style box

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Adding Fonts To Incredimail

Adding fonts to Incredimail

To add fonts to Incredimail 
Click on my Computer
Double click C Drive
Look for Program Data
Open Program Data
Look for your Incredimail folder
open it, and you will see a data folder
Open the data folder
Look for fonts.txt

If you do not have a fonts.txt open note pad and create one
Remember when adding fonts it has to be exactly
as the font name. 
My Font List in Note Pad looks like this...

If you are in doubt or if the font
does not work click right mouse button
on the font go to  Properties a new box will open 

Where it is highlighted is where you find the font name

Then you just save your fonts.txt  you made in note pad
to you your  Program Data Incredimail folder

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pick The Best Image For Creating Letters

Pick the best image

Transparent Image - the transparent image (available in gif format only) has a special quality. It enables an image to seem like it's floating on the Letter. Having no border removes the rectangularity of the original image giving it a clear-cut quality. This way the image will be a much more prominent part of the Letter.

Seamless tiling - Many background images can be constructed from a small pattern that repeats itself, much like the tiles on your  floor at home ( this technique is called 'tiling). The huge benefit to tiling is that you can make a large background with one small image making your Letter much lighter. To tile your background or other regions in your Letter background, make sure that you choose a small image that matches seamlessly on all sides so that every edge matches. Try to make the image as seamless as possible so that all you can see is a pattern and not the edges.

Incredimail Letter Creator

Many of us who use incredimail, already have  Incredimail Letter Creator

It is a tool that is easy to use, and lets you create beautiful stationary by allowing
users to design and create their own personalized email Letters and Ecards which are compatible with the IncrediMail email application.

Understanding how Letter Creator works

1. First Open Your Increcimail
2.Click the icon Write  then a new box pops up
at the bottom you will see 2 tabs click the right tab Create

3.Now you will see a new box pop up
Click on image the first icon that is your background

choose an image from your computer...You will See this
icon click the next icon tile. Now it looks like this.
The next icon us the Sample icon
The Sample Icon you can use for custom colors
Find the exact color
The Sample button lets you match your background color to the images in the Letter so that there is a smooth transition from the inserted image to the background. Just click on the "Sample" button, move your cursor to the color you want to capture and click on your mouse.

The last icon is the Clear icon, that removes the background 

Then you have image position that positions your background
For my example I used Top Left

Then below is Text
Defult is on Times New Roman  you can click the arrow to change it
and the same with the size.

In the picture above you see where the default Text is positioned

You have four tabs below that
Text Color    Sample Color   Link Color  Sample Color
again use the Sample Colors to customize text and link

Next you have your Margins and Line Spacing
It moves your Margins 
Spacing- spaces your text type further apart or closer together.

Then at the top click on Header you will see this box
If you want a image click the Image button. Pick an image from your computer, and choose
your alignment, on this example I chose Center. You can also add text or more images.

Then Click the Next Button Now you see the Footer
I added the text My Footer and a image. I also centered my example.
next top tab is Left again you can add an image or text..
I added a image and aligned it left. I also resized it in the view box.
Next You Have above your Right Tab and Your 3D Effects Tab
The right tab is like your left.
3D  Effects There are many to choose from...
The last tab Finish
Here you name your letter, and your link, you can save the project
if you are still working on it, or you can add it to your Incredimail.

This is a very basic understanding.... It will help you create right away. I will
be posting more tips and tricks to letter creating.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Glossary of Email Terms

Glossary of Email Terms

1 APOP, short for Authenticated Post Office Protocol, is an extension of the Post Office Protocol that allows passwords to be sent in encrypted form. APOP is more secure than normal plain text POP authentication, but also suffers from serious shortcomings.

2 Attachment
An attachment is a file (such as an image, a word processing document or an mp3 file perhaps) that is sent along with an email message.

3 Backscatter
Backscatter is a delivery failure report generated by a junk email that used an innocent third party's email address as the sender (which address receives the delivery failure message).

4 Base64
Base64 is a method for encoding arbitrary binary data as ASCII text, to be used, for example, in an email body.

5 Bcc (Blind Carbon Copy)
A Bcc, short for "blind carbon copy", is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address does not appear (as a recipient) in the message.

6 Blacklist
A Blacklist collects known sources of spam. Email traffic then can be filtered against a blacklist to remove spam from these sources.

7 Cc
A Cc, short for "carbon copy", is a copy of an email message sent to a recipient whose email address appears in the message's Cc header field.

8 Email Address
An email address is the name for an electronic postbox that can receive (and send) email messages on a network (such as the internet or a local network not connected to the wider internet).

9 Email Body
The email body is the main part of an email message that contains the message’s text, images and other data (such as attached files).

10 Email Client
An email client is a program (on a computer or mobile device, for example) used to read and send electronic messages.

11 Email Header
Email header lines make up the first part of any email message. They contain information used to control the message and its transmission as well as meta-data such as the Subject, origin and destination email addresses, the path an email takes, and maybe its priority.

12 Email Server
An email servier is a program running at Internet Service Providers and large sites used to transport mail. Users normally do not interact with email servers directly: email is submited with an email client to an email server, which delivers it to the recipient's email client.

13 From
The "From:" header field, in an email, contains the message's author. It must list the email address, and one can add a name as well.

14 GB
A GB (gigabyte) is made up of 1000 MB (megabytes) or 10⁹ (1 billion) bytes. A byte is a basic unit of storing information electronically made up of 8 bits; each bit has two states (on or off).

15 IMAP (Internet Messaging Access Protocol)
IMAP, short for Internet Messaging Access Protocol, is an internet standard that describes a protocol for retrieving mail from an email (IMAP) server. IMAP allows email programs to access not only new messages but also folders on the server. Actions are synchronized between multiple email programs connected through IMAP.

IMAP IDLE is an optional expansion of the IMAP email accessing protocol that allows the server to send new message updates to the client in real time. Instead of having your email program check for new mail every few minutes, IMAP IDLE allows the server to notify your email program when new messages have arrived. You can see incoming mail immediately.

17 LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
LDAP, short for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol, defines a means to find and edit information in white pages. Using LDAP, email, groupware, contact and other software can access and manipulate entries on a directory server.

18 List-Unsubscribe
List-Unsubscribe is an optional email header line that lets mailing list administrators specify means to unsubscribe from a mailing list or newsletter. Email programs and web-based email services can use this header to offer an easy method for unsubscribing.

19 Mailto
Mailto is an HTML tag that allows visitors to a site to click on a link that creates a new message in their default email program. It is possible to set not only a default email recipient but also default Subject and message body content.

20 MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions)
MIME, short for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions, specify a method to send content other than ASCII text via email. Arbitrary data is encoded as ASCII text for MIME.

21 Phishing
Phishing is a fraudulent practice in which private data is captured on web sites or through an email designed to look like a trusted third party. Typically, phishing (from "password fishing") scams involve an email alerting the user to a problem with their bank or other account.

22 POP (Post Office Protocol)
POP (Post Office Protocol) is an internet standard that defines an email server and a way to retrieve mail from it. In contrast to IMAP, POP only lets the email client download recent messages, to be managed in the program and on the device.

23 PST (Personal Folders File)
PST, short for Personal Folders File, is the format used by Microsoft Outlook to store data locally. A PST file holds emails, contacts, notes, the to-do list, calendars and other Outlook data.

24 Public Key Cryptography
Public key cryptography uses a key with two parts. The public key part is used for encryption exclusively for the recipient, whose private key part is applied for decryption. For public key cryptography to be save it is important that only the intended recipient knows the private part of the key.

25 RFC (Request For Comments)
Request For Comments (RFC) is the format Internet standards are published in. RFCs relevant for email are published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and include RFC 821 for SMTP, RFC 822, which specifies the format of Internet email messages, or RFC 1939, which lays down the PO protocol.

S/MIME is a standard for secure email messages. S/MIME messages offer sender authentication using digital signatures and can be encrypted to protect privacy.

27 SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
SMTP, short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, is the protocol used for email on the Internet. It defines a message format and a procedure to route messages through the Internet from source to destination via email servers.

28 Spam
Spam is unsolicited email. Not all unsolicited email is spam, however. Most spam is sent in bulk to a large number of email addresses and advertises some product or—considerably less often—political viewpoint.

29 Spammer
A spammer is a person or entity (such as a company) that sends spam emails

30 Spamvertise
Something is spamvertised when it is promoted (or merely appears) in spam. The term is commonly used with Web sites or email addresses that are part of the body of an unsolicited commercial email.

31 Subject
The "Subject" of an email message should be a short summary of its contents. Email programs usually display it in a mailbox display together with the sender.

32 Threadjacking
Threadjacking (also threadwhacking) is to steer off the original topic in an email thread, especially on a mailing list. Threadjacking can also apply to other conversations on the internet, of course, say on message boards, blogs or social networking sites. Whether the threadjacker changes the subject line to reflect the change in subject or retains the original email subject, to take over a thread can be regarded as threadjacking in either case.

33 To
The To: line of an email contains its primary recipient or recipients. All recipients in the To: line are visible to all other recipients, possibly by default.

34 Unicode
Unicode is a way to represent characters and symbols on computers and devices with support for most of the world's writing systems (including African, Arabic, Asian and Western).

35 Web-based Email
Web-based email provides email accounts that are accessed through a web browser. The interface is implemented as a website that provides access to the various functions like reading, sending or organizing messages.

36 Worm
A worm is a program or script that replicates itself and moves through a network, typically travelling by sending new copies of itself via email. Many worms have no negative effect except resource consumption, but some will perform malicious actions.

How to Recover IncrediMail Folders That Have Disappeared

To bring back custom folders IncrediMail fails to show in the folder list:

Go to your IncrediMail data folder in Windows Explorer. You can find its location by selecting Tools / Options / Data Folder Settings in IncrediMail. Copy the location, which may be something like: C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\IM

Make sure IncrediMail is shut down.

Go to the location of your IncrediMail Data Folder on your hard drive. It is easiest to do this by pasting the string into a web browser. The string will look something like this: C:\Users\Name\AppData\Local\IM

Open the Identities folder.

Open the folder with the long ID number.
If you have more than one folder with an ID number, perform the steps below for each.

Open the Message Store folder.
Delete the Folders.imm file in it.

Open IncrediMail.

IncrediMail Shortcut Keys

IncrediMail Shortcut Keys

 that operate even when you are using another program or application (as long as IncrediMail is running in the tray). Some of the "F" (function) keys, however, are used by other software programs and are therefore, turned off by default. To turn them on, go to Tools > Options > Advance Tab and check off the "Use IncrediMail Hotkeys" field.

The Global Hotkeys are:
F6 - Check for new mail
F10 - Compose a new message.
F12 - Open IncrediMail main window

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

This Week

Over the course of this week 19 stationary pages 
will be added. I'll be working on my Profile and 
also new postings. Those who  are following me, thank-you. I will follow you back. Just Bare with me
while I build me site...

ABR Viewer A Must For Older Paint Shop Pro Programs

ABR viewer is a small tool that allows you to see photoshop's paintbrushes without having to install them. If you like to collect these brushes ABRviewer will help you organize them.

It is also a great tool for anyone using a older paint shop pro
program. You can convert the brushes to a png thumbnail, if they are not compatible with your program, and export to a custom brush.

The application's interface shows a thumbnail view of all the brushes contained in a pack of Photoshop brushes.

The user can choose both the size of the thumbnail as well as the background color and the brush. If you double click on a particular brush, ABRviewer will preview it in actual size.

In addition, ABR viewer lets you export all the brushes that have been loaded into the interface to PNG format.

It's a free download on the web.

Tips and Tricks Using Incredimail

One of the biggest questions with incredimail 
              and yahoo groups is 

''How To Set Traditional Mail Settings?"


Traditional Settings
 Make sure that there is a - between yourgroupname and traditional
How to receive Stationery intact:
1) Send a blank email to:
(Blank means no text in Subject line, no text in text area of email).
2) You will receive an email from Yahoo Groups Notification with the Subject Line:
Yahoo Groups Email Settings Request: Please Confirm.
3) Click on "Reply" and "Send" without adding anything further.

Traditional Settings
 Make sure that there is a - between yourgroupname and traditional
How to receive Stationery intact:
1) Send a blank email to:
(Blank means no text in Subject line, no text in text area of email).
2) You will receive an email from Yahoo Groups Notification with the Subject Line:
Yahoo Groups Email Settings Request: Please Confirm.
3) Click on "Reply" and "Send" without adding anything further.

A Quick Trick For Getting All
Your windows fonts into incredimal and
incredimail letter creator

Close Incredimaai

1.go to computer
2.double click c drive
3.program data
5. open incredimail (nott IM)
6. open Data
7 open to view fonts file
8. make a copy of orignalto store somewhere
9, delete everything in fonts text
11. close

open incredimail

 all your windows fonts will be there

Size of Letter When Creating Stationary

This is a good rule of thumb as far as size of letters... Make
Them 2000 pixels.. x what ever depth you need..
 That way they will fit everyones screen resolution. 

Tip From Norma Wheat

If  Your Incredimail is loading Slow

Try cleaning you runtime folder

Your runtime folder is a temporary folder with duplicate copies stored you can delete
contents in all folders , you will not lose anything. It will help speed up loading.

To Locate Your Runtime Folder

Iin Windows Vista & Windows 7 the runtime folder is located under:

C:\Users\Your User Name (Log On Name)\AppData\Local IM

In Windows XP

C:\Documents and settings\Your User Name(Log On Name)\Local Settings\Application Data\IM

To view your hidden folders in windows 7

Open Control Panel and double click the Folders Options Icon, in the Folder options window
select view, and then select view hidden files and folders.

Adding Daily

I'm adding to it daily
So Please Check back Often

Also On The Left You'll notice Friends Page
That is Reserved for Anyone Who 
Would like to share
Their Work
If You like to share your work
just post me a message
or send me an email

On The Left Are The Pages I Have
click the Blue Title
Above the Stationary 
To Download